Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Things I have learned about moving

After spending 5 years doing coop, and having to move every four months I have come to uncover some basic rules about moving:
- never pack your computer first
- travel light, the less you have, the less you need to pack, the less you lose
- you will always forget something
- you will discover how much stuff you can accumulate over your short stay
- you won't have enough boxes for all the stuff you accumulated
- the more you sell/give away, the less you need to move
- textbooks are heavy... so don't buy them or sell them when you are done
- having roomies is awesome, it helps with the moving. But remember it goes both ways, you have to move their stuff sooner or later
- don't put off packing till the last day. Apperances can be deceiving, you have more stuff than you think
- having a car is good, a mini van is better, but the best is to have a truck
- don't pack your pots with your dishes. Metal > Porcelaine.


pthong said...

After 5 years of moving in and out, there are many things to be learnt:
- Life has a strange way of picking up right where you left it.
- You'd be suprised how much you can fit in a little box, and how few of the worldly possessions you actually need
- Always, always unpack / buy toiletries first. Nothing beats a long day of unpacking quite like "oops, where is the toilet paper" or "dang, where is the shower curtain"
- A strange itch to go somewhere every four months

Retail Girl said...

but now your room downstairs is empty and sad...