Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Things have a knack of working out by themselves

Today, I got my new cellphone and it is nice. For one thing the LCD on this one does not bleed like the old one. :D However, I still need to mail back my old broken one and get credit for it. I had to pay 300$ to get it.... Grrr.... Sprint better give that money back to me. :( I have the Samusung Upstage which is one neat little bugger. Except that the constant flipping of the phone to text stuff is starting to get annoying. XD

I also picked up a 17" Sony Trinitron Multiscan e200 CRT that someone was throwing away and it works marvelously. :D It will have to do while I wait for a good sale on those gorgeous 32" LCD screens. It is strange how when I picked the screen up I thought it was a 15". Either I have grown bigger from all the good food I have been eating recently or I forgot how 17" CRT used to look like. I can't believe I am still acting like a student and trying to save up as much as I can. XD hehe... I guess habits are hard to break. Well, granted, I got a big shock from my first paycheck. Half of it disappeared in random taxes. T.T And all the moving expenses are adding up. :( i don't think my first pay check is enough to pay rent. Urgh... Living expenses in California are so expensive. Oh well. I can think of it as doing a good thing. I recycled the CRT. Instead of landing in a dumpster, it sits here on my table, delaying its inevitable fate.

On other notes, I started reading books again. Those low tech method of information transferal. I started reading Fast Food Nation, while I wait for the arrival of my other books from Amazon. I wished there were a better way to buy things online. A centralized Walmart would be cool. :D


Virtualawrence said...

Is there not a Walmart.com?

Show pics of your new cell phone!

Yeah the paycheque is not as high as you'd expect - but some of that is retirement and stock deductions (I think), so you'll see those back eventually.

Tsu said...

I will get around to posting some pics of my cellphone once I feel unlazy. :P